Sistemas alimentarios sostenibles

Hope for the Future

Youth from across the Caribbean are demanding healthier school food environments. On July 3rd – the first day of the 47th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM – youth health advocates in The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines will initiate “Hope for the […]

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Caribbean Mobilising to Eliminate Industrially Produced Trans Fats

On Friday, 17 May 2024, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) and partners hosted a webinar entitled ‘Caribbean Mobilising to Eliminate Industrially Produced Trans Fats’, it convened key regional stakeholders to discuss the elimination of industrially produced trans fats (iTFAs) from the Caribbean food supply. iTFAs are a significant contributor to cardiovascular diseases, causing around 278,000

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Reducir el consumo de sal mejoraría la salud en las Américas

Tomar medidas efectivas para reducir el consumo de sal, con el propósito de disminuir la incidencia de la hipertensión arterial y otras ENT, y garantizar que se cumplan podría salvar alrededor de 420,000 vidas al año en las Américas.

Reducir el consumo de sal mejoraría la salud en las Américas Leer más »

Colansa abre convocatoria para apoyar proyectos de investigación e incidencia

Colansa abre convocatoria para apoyar proyectos de investigación e incidencia Si desarrollas proyectos de investigación o de incidencia política en torno a la alimentación saludable, con el fin de crear sistemas alimentarios más saludables, sostenibles, equitativos e inclusivos, esta oportunidad es para ti. La Comunidad de Práctica de Latinoamérica y Caribe Nutrición y Salud (Colansa) convoca

Colansa abre convocatoria para apoyar proyectos de investigación e incidencia Leer más »

Public Health Decision-Making in CARICOM

Public Health Decision-Making in CARICOM: Strengthening the Front-of-Package Nutrition Labelling Standardisation Programme Shajoe Lake, Isabel Barbosa, Kimberley Benjamin, Andrés Constantin, Maisha Hutton, Nicole Foster, March 19, 2024. Noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of disability, morbidity and mortality in the Caribbean, where over 70% of all deaths are NCD-related. Unhealthy diets, alongside other modifiable risk

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Let’s Talk about Obesity &… the Right to Healthy School Food Environments

Webinar: Let’s Talk about Obesity &… the Right to Healthy School Food Environments March 8 2024 10:00AM JA/11:00AM AST Register The objectives of the session: Highlight the experience of children/young people in their school food environments Emphasize existing School Nutrition Policies in the region Emphasize the importance of a rights-based approach in addressing childhood obesity

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Empowering Caribbean Youth Voices for Health Advocacy

The Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) and Healthy Caribbean Youth (HCY), in partnership with the Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network (JYAN), the Heart Foundation of Jamaica (HFJ), The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados (HSFB), and UNICEF Jamaica, hosted a regional youth meeting, “Caribbean Youth Voices in Health Advocacy Spaces – Healthy Food Policy Action”, from February

Empowering Caribbean Youth Voices for Health Advocacy Leer más »

See the Truth Webinar

In support of the See the Truth campaign, HCC and partners are hosted a webinar on 22 February 2024.  The webinar, brought together civil society advocates, academics and policymakers to share experiences of weak governance and industry interference, and discussed strategies to protect NCD policymaking processes from interference. The See the Truth campaign was launched

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See the Truth

SEE THE TRUTH: SOME FOOD INDUSTRY ACTORS WORKING AGAINST OCTAGONAL WARNING LABELS There is an urgent need to protect public health policymaking Since the start of consultations around the front-of-package labelling Regional Standard for pre-packaged food products in 2018, the ultra-processed food and beverage industry — supported by the wider private sector industry in the

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