Caribbean NCD Leaders Spotlight

HCC will be spotlighting Caribbean NCD leaders leading up to the 4th UN High Level Meeting on NCDs (HLM4) to be held during the United Nations General Assembly in September 2025.

The HLM4 is a global milestone and stocktaking moment for the international NCD Community to pause and reflect on where we are and what needs to be done to accelerate action as we move towards achieving the 2030 SDGs.

Under the umbrella of the NCD Alliance, the global NCD civil society community will be galvanising over the next 12 months under the banner – Time to Lead. The NCDA Global Week of Action, 15-22 October 2024, will kick off this global campaign which calls on leaders worldwide to step forward and champion efforts to reduce the impact of NCDs on communities.

Despite uneven NCD progress regionally and globally, CARICOM has and continues to show tremendous leadership.  Individuals and organisations have stepped up and shown bold unwavering leadership in their  communities and countries. 

As we look towards the HLM4, uniting around the theme – TIME TO LEAD, the HCC is seeking to recognise and showcase NCD champions – individuals and organisations who have shown exemplary leadership in NCD prevention and control in the Caribbean. 

We are inviting our constituents to submit nominations of Caribbean NCD Leaders – individuals and organisations who you believe should be celebrated for their acts – small or large – which have changed the trajectory of the NCD response in your communities or countries.

Deadline for submissions: October 12th 2024. 

Who is eligible to be an HCC Caribbean NCD Leader? Individuals (representing civil society, academia and the public sector) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in the Caribbean.

How do you nominate Caribbean NCD Leaders? Use the google form to nominate the names of Individuals (representing civil society, academia and the public sector) or Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). 

The google form includes a series of prompts including describing the reason you are nominating this person/organisation, 2-3 key contributions/achievements which merit recognition as a NCD Leader and submitting a quote from the nominee in response to this question: What should CARICOM policymakers be prioritizing to accelerate action on NCDs?

The HCC looks forward to your submissions.

Submit Your Nomination Here


The post Caribbean NCD Leaders Spotlight appeared first on Healthy Caribbean Coalition.

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